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How publishers can escape email boxes and embrace automation
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Why news publishers should not give up on print
Special Reports
Newsroom themes for 2024: Reuters Digital News Report at a glance
From podcasts to paywalls: key themes from the Reuters Digital News Report 2024 explored.
BySurvey: Autism and ADHD widespread in media, but so is neurodiversity ignorance
ADHD and autistic traits can make for brilliant journalists, but employers need to do more.
By‘Devastating’ potential impact of Google AI Overviews on publisher visibility revealed
Investigation reveals widespread rollout of AI Overviews on news-related Google queries.
ByOfcom fines GB News £100,000 after ‘serious and repeated’ impartiality breaches
Secrecy around UK gun police threatens open justice say editors and reporters
Partner content
The publishing platform for media companies: Glide
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Impress: Regulation, arbitration and complaints resolution
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