Newsletters switch at Which? created one million prospective new subscribers
Shift to free newsletters drives audience growth and thousands of new subscribers.
Fighting for quality news media in the digital age.
Shift to free newsletters drives audience growth and thousands of new subscribers.
ByEditor Claire Norman on the Immediate Media title's evolution into an era of screens.
ByHBR's top editors on why the title tries to be practical, not "a bazaar of cool ideas".
ByNo financial investment was needed to make the most of Bauer's Next Level Knowledge training.
ByFour out of 60 women's interest magazines saw print growth in 2024.
ByPress Gazette's full rundown of magazine ABC circulation data for 2024, by sector.
ByJust over half of digital magazines saw year-on-year decline despite "all you can read" boost.
ByPrivate Eye stays steady in full-year figures for 2024.