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General election 2024 press endorsements: Mirror and Telegraph first to reveal party support

Aound-up of newspaper endorsements for the 2024 general election as they come in.

By Charlotte Tobitt and Bron Maher

The Telegraph became the first out of the gates with its endorsement for the 2024 general election just hours after Rishi Sunak announced when the UK would be going to the polls.

The Telegraph called the Conservatives “by far the better option for Britain”.

The endorsement continues its track record of being the only newspaper to have endorsed the Conservatives at every general election since 1945.

The Mirror has since followed by confirming its support for Labour, maintaining an equivalent record.

We will update this page as more endorsements come in. If we miss any, please get in touch at

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The Telegraph: Conservative endorsement

The Telegraph’s endorsement of the Conservatives was published online less than three hours after Sunak announced the election date on Wednesday.

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The newspaper said: “The unarguable truth facing voters is that they face a straight choice between Sir Keir and Mr Sunak. It is similarly unarguable that a Labour government might well bring change, but it will not be of the good kind.

“Labour would tax more, regulate more, be weaker in defence of the national interest and be far more relaxed about mass migration and the excesses of green ideologues.

“The Tories can hardly claim that their own record is unblemished in any of these areas. But the party must now pull together behind the Prime Minister and hammer home the message that the situation will be much worse if Sir Keir enters No 10.”

Although The Daily Telegraph’s print front page the day after the announcement splashed on the pun “Things can only get wetter” in reference to Sunak’s speech in the rain with the New Labour anthem “Things Can Only Get Better” blaring in the background, the front page analysis nonetheless maintained his “message came across loud and clear”.

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Daily Telegraph front page on 23 May 2024, the day after Rishi Sunak called the general election
Daily Telegraph front page on 23 May 2024, the day after Rishi Sunak called the general election

Daily Mirror: Labour endorsement

The Daily Mirror followed The Telegraph’s Conservative endorsement by declaring itself for Labour, writing in a “Voice of the Mirror” editorial published late on Friday 24 May that “the new generation needs a Labour government more than ever”.

The editorial, which accompanied an interview with Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner in Saturday’s Mirror, said that “there are many reasons why we need Labour to win on July 4 but chief among them must be the chance to secure a better future for our children.

“As Angela Rayner tells the Mirror, most young people have only known life under the Tories. They deserved so much better. The Conservatives have stood by as more and more children are brought up in poverty.

“They didn’t recruit enough teachers and cut funds for one-to-one tuition and music lessons. Tens of thousands are being taught in buildings which are falling apart because they cancelled Labour’s rebuilding programme.

“And when Covid struck, Rishi Sunak refused funds to help kids catch up on lost learning. The Tories have robbed too many children of the chance to fulfil their potential. That’s why this generation needs a Labour government more than ever.”

The Mirror is an avowedly Labour-leaning newspaper, disclosing on its website that it “has backed the Labour Party in every election since 1945”.

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