When is an exclusive not an exclusive? When it’s so very old that it’s new, it would appear. Take the following News of the World ‘exclusive’on 13 April by the paper’s political editor Ian Kirby: ‘Home Secretary Jacqui Smith last night revealed security forces are investigating THIRTY deadly terror plots which threaten mayhem across Britain”.
She tells the Screws the threat is ‘actually growing’and it’s ‘severe”. This has puzzled home affairs and security hacks who patrol the ‘terror beat”.
One has dropped Axegrinder an email to point out a widely covered speech in November 2006 by ex-MI5 boss Eliza Manningham-Buller.
She ‘revealed’18 months ago that she was aware of 30 (or THIRTY as the NoW might say) terror plots and that threat was ‘serious’and ‘growing”.
Clearly, not growing that much then.
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