The 75 UK regional daily and Sunday newspapers listed by ABC in its data lost sales by an average of 13.5 per cent year on year in the first half of 2014.
The biggest faller was a Newsquest title for the third period in a row. This time the title losing sales at the fastest rate was the South Wales Argus, down 33.2 per cent year on year to an average of 13,197 sales a day.
The dramatic sales drop for the Argus follows a 44 per cent price increase from 45p to 65p.
Trinity Mirror’s Wales on Sunday also saw a substantial drop, down 27.3 per cent year on year to 15,655.
Most of the other titles to lose print sales at rate of more than 20 per cent per year were published by Newquest: the Swindon Advertiser, Oxford Mail, Worcester News, Bolton News and Lancashire Telegraph.
All the Newsquest titles have had to deal with the effects of large price increases. The Swindon, Oxford and Worcester titles have all all seen price rises from 45p to 65p over the last year.
The Doncaster Star, published by Johnston Press, is an edition of the Sheffield Star and fell 28.8 per cent to just over 1,000 copies a day.
The overall rate of print decline for the regional daily and Sundays is in line with the 14 per cent year on year drop seen in the second half of 2013, but faster than the 10.5 per cent year on year drop of a year ago.
The overall picture appears to be one where publishers are hastening inevitable print sales decline through policies of increasing print prices while funneling editorial resources towards free websites.
The success of the Evening Standard shows that a free daily print newspaper can still prove extremely popular, with distribution up 27 per cent to just over 890,000 copies a day.
The new Sunday edition of the Liverpool Echo, launched by the Trinity Mirror title in February, saw an average circulation in June of 21,673 (compared with a launch ABC of 21,673).
The only regional daily/Sunday to grow sales year on years was the Sunday Herald, up 1 per cent year on year to an average of 25,125 copies a week (with a cover price of £1.30). The Herald does not have a free website limits free access to six articles per month. It claims to have more than 10,000 paying online subscribers.
The Sunday Herald became the first Scottish newspaper to back the Yes campaign on independence at the beginning of May.
Although print sales of The Herald were down 8 per cent year on year to just over 37,000 per day, total Herald group paid-for readership was said to be up.
Herald and Times managing director Tim Blott said: “We place our readers at the heart of our development strategy and will continue to provide news and content through whichever platforms they prefer.
“What is interesting to note is that, despite a tendency by the media to report with alacrity, stories of its own demise, we at Herald & Times Group are seeing a significant increase in paid readership overall”.
UK regional daily/Sunday newspaper sales in first half of 2014 (ABC)
Ranked by average circulation
Title | Avg circ | % change y/y |
London Evening Standard (free) | 890,457 | 27.20% |
Manchester Evening News (55.2 % paidfor) | 70,458 | -1.70% |
Liverpool Echo | 62,422 | -14.70% |
Birmingham Mail (77.7 % paid for) | 36,694 | -10.80% |
Newcastle Chronicle | 35,796 | -13.10% |
Scotland on Sunday | 30,297 | -19.00% |
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Sunday Sun | 30,214 | -17.50% |
Teesside Evening Gazette | 26,845 | -14.90% |
Daily Post (Wales) | 26,348 | -4.90% |
Sunday Herald | 25,125 | 1.00% |
Sunday Mercury | 24,282 | -18.40% |
Coventry Telegraph | 23,169 | -12.90% |
Wales – The Western Mail | 21,911 | -7.20% |
Liverpool Sunday Echo | 21,673 | |
Cardiff – South Wales Echo | 21,370 | -17.60% |
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Journal | 17,396 | -12.70% |
Wales on Sunday | 15,655 | -27.30% |
Huddersfield Daily Examiner | 15,302 | -10.60% |
Express & Star (West Midlands) | 77387 | -14.60% |
Aberdeen – Press & Journal | 62177 | -5.10% |
Dundee Courier & Advertiser | 48955 | -6.50% |
Belfast Telegraph (77 % paid for) | 48014 | -2.50% |
Norwich – Eastern Daily Press | 42632 | -9.70% |
Irish News – Morning | 39935 | -2.20% |
The Herald | 37728 | -8.10% |
The Sentinel | 37481 | -10.50% |
Shropshire Star | 36756 | -14.70% |
Hull Daily Mail | 35117 | -8.30% |
Leicester Mercury | 35006 | -12.90% |
Aberdeen – Evening Express | 34894 | -9.20% |
Glasgow – Evening Times | 33397 | -14.90% |
Leeds – Yorkshire Post | 31022 | -9.20% |
Darlington – The Northern Echo | 30735 | -12.70% |
South Wales Evening Post | 28477 | -14.90% |
Portsmouth – News & Sports Mail | 27954 | -8.60% |
The Scotsman | 27208 | -13.20% |
Edinburgh – Evening News | 25908 | -14.10% |
Derby Telegraph | 25217 | -9.10% |
The Post | 25182 | -14.60% |
Sunday Herald | 25125 | 1.00% |
Leeds – Yorkshire Evening Post | 23959 | -17.20% |
Nottingham Post | 23533 | -13.10% |
Sheffield Star | 23238 | -17.20% |
Southend – Basildon – Castle Point – Echo | 22961 | -14.00% |
Southampton – Southern Daily Echo | 22397 | -16.60% |
Plymouth – The Herald | 21783 | -13.50% |
Ipswich – East Anglian Daily Times | 20664 | -8.80% |
Sunderland Echo & Football Echo | 20530 | -17.90% |
Dundee Evening Telegraph | 19766 | -4.70% |
York – The Press | 19643 | -10.90% |
Ulster – News Letter | 19314 | -6.90% |
Bradford – Telegraph & Argus | 18906 | -12.60% |
Bournemouth – The Daily Echo | 18049 | -18.00% |
Jersey Evening Post | 15607 | -8.60% |
Lancashire Evening Post | 14902 | -13.40% |
The Argus Brighton | 14370 | -13.60% |
The Gazette – Blackpool | 14174 | -14.20% |
Guernsey Press & Star | 13704 | -5.20% |
Dorset Echo | 13267 | -12.70% |
South Wales Argus | 13197 | -33.20% |
Lancashire Telegraph – Blackburn | 13092 | -28.40% |
Ipswich Star | 13091 | -13.20% |
Oxford Mail | 12773 | -22.90% |
The Bolton News | 12351 | -28.20% |
Swindon Advertiser | 11987 | -22.70% |
Colchester – Daily Gazette | 11706 | -9.20% |
Barrow – North West Evening Mail | 10713 | -8.70% |
South Shields – Shields Gazette | 10107 | -15.80% |
Oldham Evening Chronicle | 9837 | -10.90% |
Carlisle – News and Star East | 8900 | -12.40% |
Worcester News | 8885 | -25.50% |
Hartlepool Mail | 8820 | -16.20% |
Paisley Daily Express | 6477 | -14.40% |
Wigan Evening Post | 4487 | -17.60% |
Carlisle – News and Star West | 3506 | -10.90% |
Doncaster Star | 1026 | -28.80% |
UK regional daily/Sunday newspaper sales in first half of 2014 (ABC)
Ranked by percentage change year on year
Title | Avg circ | % change y/y |
London Evening Standard (free) | 890,457 | 27.20% |
Sunday Herald | 25,125 | 1.00% |
Manchester Evening News (55.2 % paidfor) | 70,458 | -1.70% |
Irish News – Morning | 39935 | -2.20% |
Belfast Telegraph (77 % paid for) | 48014 | -2.50% |
Dundee Evening Telegraph | 19766 | -4.70% |
Daily Post (Wales) | 26,348 | -4.90% |
Aberdeen – Press & Journal | 62177 | -5.10% |
Guernsey Press & Star | 13704 | -5.20% |
Dundee Courier & Advertiser | 48955 | -6.50% |
Ulster – News Letter | 19314 | -6.90% |
Wales – The Western Mail | 21,911 | -7.20% |
The Herald | 37728 | -8.10% |
Hull Daily Mail | 35117 | -8.30% |
Portsmouth – News & Sports Mail | 27954 | -8.60% |
Jersey Evening Post | 15607 | -8.60% |
Barrow – North West Evening Mail | 10713 | -8.70% |
Ipswich – East Anglian Daily Times | 20664 | -8.80% |
Derby Telegraph | 25217 | -9.10% |
Aberdeen – Evening Express | 34894 | -9.20% |
Leeds – Yorkshire Post | 31022 | -9.20% |
Colchester – Daily Gazette | 11706 | -9.20% |
Norwich – Eastern Daily Press | 42632 | -9.70% |
The Sentinel | 37481 | -10.50% |
Huddersfield Daily Examiner | 15,302 | -10.60% |
Birmingham Mail (77.7 % paid for) | 36,694 | -10.80% |
York – The Press | 19643 | -10.90% |
Oldham Evening Chronicle | 9837 | -10.90% |
Carlisle – News and Star West | 3506 | -10.90% |
Carlisle – News and Star East | 8900 | -12.40% |
Bradford – Telegraph & Argus | 18906 | -12.60% |
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Journal | 17,396 | -12.70% |
Darlington – The Northern Echo | 30735 | -12.70% |
Dorset Echo | 13267 | -12.70% |
Coventry Telegraph | 23,169 | -12.90% |
Leicester Mercury | 35006 | -12.90% |
Newcastle Chronicle | 35,796 | -13.10% |
Nottingham Post | 23533 | -13.10% |
The Scotsman | 27208 | -13.20% |
Ipswich Star | 13091 | -13.20% |
Lancashire Evening Post | 14902 | -13.40% |
Plymouth – The Herald | 21783 | -13.50% |
The Argus Brighton | 14370 | -13.60% |
Southend – Basildon – Castle Point – Echo | 22961 | -14.00% |
Edinburgh – Evening News | 25908 | -14.10% |
The Gazette – Blackpool | 14174 | -14.20% |
Paisley Daily Express | 6477 | -14.40% |
Express & Star (West Midlands) | 77387 | -14.60% |
The Post | 25182 | -14.60% |
Liverpool Echo | 62,422 | -14.70% |
Shropshire Star | 36756 | -14.70% |
Teesside Evening Gazette | 26,845 | -14.90% |
Glasgow – Evening Times | 33397 | -14.90% |
South Wales Evening Post | 28477 | -14.90% |
South Shields – Shields Gazette | 10107 | -15.80% |
Hartlepool Mail | 8820 | -16.20% |
Southampton – Southern Daily Echo | 22397 | -16.60% |
Leeds – Yorkshire Evening Post | 23959 | -17.20% |
Sheffield Star | 23238 | -17.20% |
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Sunday Sun | 30,214 | -17.50% |
Cardiff – South Wales Echo | 21,370 | -17.60% |
Wigan Evening Post | 4487 | -17.60% |
Sunderland Echo & Football Echo | 20530 | -17.90% |
Bournemouth – The Daily Echo | 18049 | -18.00% |
Sunday Mercury | 24,282 | -18.40% |
Scotland on Sunday | 30,297 | -19.00% |
Swindon Advertiser | 11987 | -22.70% |
Oxford Mail | 12773 | -22.90% |
Worcester News | 8885 | -25.50% |
Wales on Sunday | 15,655 | -27.30% |
The Bolton News | 12351 | -28.20% |
Lancashire Telegraph – Blackburn | 13092 | -28.40% |
Doncaster Star | 1026 | -28.80% |
South Wales Argus | 13197 | -33.20% |
Liverpool Sunday Echo | 21,673 |
UK regional daily/Sunday newspaper sales in first half of 2014 (ABC)
In alphabetical order
Title | Avg circ | % change y/y |
Aberdeen – Evening Express | 34894 | -9.20% |
Aberdeen – Press & Journal | 62177 | -5.10% |
Barrow – North West Evening Mail | 10713 | -8.70% |
Belfast Telegraph (77 % paid for) | 48014 | -2.50% |
Birmingham Mail (77.7 % paid for) | 36,694 | -10.80% |
Bournemouth – The Daily Echo | 18049 | -18.00% |
Bradford – Telegraph & Argus | 18906 | -12.60% |
Cardiff – South Wales Echo | 21,370 | -17.60% |
Carlisle – News and Star East | 8900 | -12.40% |
Carlisle – News and Star West | 3506 | -10.90% |
Colchester – Daily Gazette | 11706 | -9.20% |
Coventry Telegraph | 23,169 | -12.90% |
Daily Post (Wales) | 26,348 | -4.90% |
Darlington – The Northern Echo | 30735 | -12.70% |
Derby Telegraph | 25217 | -9.10% |
Doncaster Star | 1026 | -28.80% |
Dorset Echo | 13267 | -12.70% |
Dundee Courier & Advertiser | 48955 | -6.50% |
Dundee Evening Telegraph | 19766 | -4.70% |
Edinburgh – Evening News | 25908 | -14.10% |
Express & Star (West Midlands) | 77387 | -14.60% |
Glasgow – Evening Times | 33397 | -14.90% |
Guernsey Press & Star | 13704 | -5.20% |
Hartlepool Mail | 8820 | -16.20% |
Huddersfield Daily Examiner | 15,302 | -10.60% |
Hull Daily Mail | 35117 | -8.30% |
Ipswich – East Anglian Daily Times | 20664 | -8.80% |
Ipswich Star | 13091 | -13.20% |
Irish News – Morning | 39935 | -2.20% |
Jersey Evening Post | 15607 | -8.60% |
Lancashire Evening Post | 14902 | -13.40% |
Lancashire Telegraph – Blackburn | 13092 | -28.40% |
Leeds – Yorkshire Evening Post | 23959 | -17.20% |
Leeds – Yorkshire Post | 31022 | -9.20% |
Leicester Mercury | 35006 | -12.90% |
Liverpool Echo | 62,422 | -14.70% |
Liverpool Sunday Echo | 21,673 | |
London Evening Standard (free) | 890,457 | 27.20% |
Manchester Evening News (55.2 % paidfor) | 70,458 | -1.70% |
Newcastle Chronicle | 35,796 | -13.10% |
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Journal | 17,396 | -12.70% |
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Sunday Sun | 30,214 | -17.50% |
Norwich – Eastern Daily Press | 42632 | -9.70% |
Nottingham Post | 23533 | -13.10% |
Oldham Evening Chronicle | 9837 | -10.90% |
Oxford Mail | 12773 | -22.90% |
Paisley Daily Express | 6477 | -14.40% |
Plymouth – The Herald | 21783 | -13.50% |
Portsmouth – News & Sports Mail | 27954 | -8.60% |
Scotland on Sunday | 30,297 | -19.00% |
Sheffield Star | 23238 | -17.20% |
Shropshire Star | 36756 | -14.70% |
South Shields – Shields Gazette | 10107 | -15.80% |
South Wales Argus | 13197 | -33.20% |
South Wales Evening Post | 28477 | -14.90% |
Southampton – Southern Daily Echo | 22397 | -16.60% |
Southend – Basildon – Castle Point – Echo | 22961 | -14.00% |
Sunday Herald | 25125 | 1.00% |
Sunday Mercury | 24,282 | -18.40% |
Sunderland Echo & Football Echo | 20530 | -17.90% |
Swindon Advertiser | 11987 | -22.70% |
Teesside Evening Gazette | 26,845 | -14.90% |
The Argus Brighton | 14370 | -13.60% |
The Bolton News | 12351 | -28.20% |
The Gazette – Blackpool | 14174 | -14.20% |
The Herald | 37728 | -8.10% |
The Post | 25182 | -14.60% |
The Scotsman | 27208 | -13.20% |
The Sentinel | 37481 | -10.50% |
Ulster – News Letter | 19314 | -6.90% |
Wales – The Western Mail | 21,911 | -7.20% |
Wales on Sunday | 15,655 | -27.30% |
Wigan Evening Post | 4487 | -17.60% |
Worcester News | 8885 | -25.50% |
York – The Press | 19643 | -10.90% |
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