Former Telegraph crime reporter John Weeks who spent career in the fast lane
From the Krays to IRA bombings, John Weeks covered it all for the Daily Telegraph.
Fighting for quality news media in the digital age.
From the Krays to IRA bombings, John Weeks covered it all for the Daily Telegraph.
ByChanteau left journalism after the closure of the London Evening News and practised criminal law.
ByStoddart is a former Sunday Times TV critic, media consultant and University of Westminster lecturer.
BySengupta covered every major conflict of the past 30 years.
ByITN CEO Rachel Corp said she hopes other women are inspired by the legacy of Edwards-Jones.
ByThe former chief sub and chief assistant editor described his career in one word as "fun".
ByJoe Wood News Agency became the go-to source for major trials.
ByThe Mail described "Dicko" as "talented, kind and knowledgeable".