‘The hardest thing to put together’: Inside election night at the UK’s biggest broadcasters
Broadcasters faced glitching cameras, an early election and, in one case, not having a studio.
ByFighting for quality news media in the digital age.
Broadcasters faced glitching cameras, an early election and, in one case, not having a studio.
ByData-driven journalism, podcasts and the right format all becoming increasingly key.
ByBBC reached audience of 4.2 million for exit poll reveal and analysis between 10pm and 11pm.
ByPlans from Sky, ITV, C4 and BBC revealed - including leader debates.
BySky's deputy political editor describes a "bin fire" June schedule that he "wouldn't swap for the world".
ByJames Scurry spoke about why he was encouraged to take himself off covering the murder of baby Jacob Crouch.
ByCrawford said a speech given to editors by the Prime Minister this week was "empty words".
BySenior women journalists also share advice on dealing with online vitriol.