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March 18, 2011

Piers Morgan: ‘Arrogance is just a veneer, honest!’

By Dominic wireposts

Former Sun editor Kelvin MacKenzie delivering the eulogy at your memorial service would be most people’s idea of a very bad dream.

But not so for former Daily Mirror editor Piers Morgan, as he reveals in the first instalment of a new interview column starting in the Daily Mail’s Weekend magazine tomorrow.

The Definite Article sees Rob McGibbon ask a series of questions beginning with the word “the” – hence:

‘The order of service at your funeral?’gets the following response from Morgan:

“I’d like to be carried in to the Test Match Special theme tune and carried out to Always Look on the Bright Side of Life, with maybe an address from Kelvin MacKenzie mocking my entire life and career.”

Asked for ‘The misapprehension about yourself you wish you could erase?’– He says: “That I’m as arrogant as everyone thinks, it’s just a self protective veneer – honest guv!”

Morgan and McGibbon started their journalism careers together as trainee reporters on the Wimbledon News in 1985 and the rest, as they say, is history.

Both went on to the national tabloids – with McGibbon then carving out a career as an author, freelance interviewer and entrepreneur (he is the founder of the website Access Interviews). Morgan has been moderately successful as well.

Also included in tomorrow’s Weekend magazine is another new format devised by McGibbon – My Tube, in which celebs reveal new insight into their personalities by talking about the TV shows which impacted on them in their younger years.

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