Journalists no longer bracketed with criminals in police guidance
College of Policing counter-corruption guidance changed three years after complaint made.
Fighting for quality news media in the digital age.
College of Policing counter-corruption guidance changed three years after complaint made.
ByJon Lloyd to lead video-first commissioning strategy.
ByThis page will stay up-to-date with redundancies and layoffs hitting UK and US journalists in 2025.
ByAI-written articles drove 1.8 billion page views in 2024 at Reach.
ByA look ahead at the key events leading the news agenda next week, from the team at Foresight News.
ByOfcom to consult on updating the Broadcasting Code to make rules on politicians as presenters clearer.
ByClaim Google abused its monopoly position in online advertising could go to trial in 2026.
ByAdvertising and digital revenues are major growth areas.