Samsung Knox
Samsung Knox
Samsung Knox is helping media companies create digital devices and new subscription models. Samsung Knox is a suite of business tools that enables media and publishing houses to create branded smartphones and tablets, offering their readers a new way to access their content and get a new device with added value.

Samsung Knox is helping media companies create digital devices and new subscription models. Samsung Knox is a suite of business tools that enables media and publishing houses to create branded smartphones and tablets, offering their readers a new way to access their content and get a new device with added value.
These devices and the applications on them can be branded and configured to create entirely new digital products. While business services on the back end make deployment easy, and secure. At the same time, you can view and manage user data and services for deep insights into who your customers are and what they love.

Drive subscriber growth with a customised reading experience
Discover how to get the edge by revolutionising your digital subscription model and embracing technology and transform

Digital transformation in publishing with Samsung Knox
How Samsung Knox helps publishers transform their subscriber strategy and create dedicated news devices. News and entertainment media has always been the cornerstone of how society learns, shares and thinks. However, it has also been in a constant state of flux since the advent of digital technology. Publications have gone global and instant access to …
By Press Gazette
How Samsung's Knox Configure is enabling newspaper publishers to reinvent the subscription model
With the increase of free news content, newspaper publishers have seen a decrease in paid subscriptions and advertising revenue in recent years. At the same time, the rise in popularity of personalised digital content means readers are now demanding the same kind of customisation from their news sources. Organisations everywhere face the task of migrating …
By Press GazetteMake an enquiry
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