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March 3, 2008

Monday Links: Drudge dread

By Dave Lee STD

Good morning everyone…

[EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE!] Matt Drudge brings news of Harry in Afghanistan to the masses

Technically, despite what you may have heard, Matt Drudge didn’t actually break the story about Harry fighting the Taleban. Instead, it was an Aussie women’s magazine that broke it way back in January. But it wasn’t until the world’s most infamous posted the news that we all sat up and took notice, breaking an agreed silence between the UK press.

A complete news embargo is very rare these days. This blog post from the BBC gives more background information on the whole affair. If you think Drudge should have kept his blogging mouth shut, you can join a Facebook group demanding an apology. There are thousands of posts about this, so I won’t link to them here. But the issue is a real divider — and I’d be interested to hear what you all think. Was Drudge right to end the media blackout?

[STUDENT NEWSPAPER SURVIVAL BLOG] Googlize your student newspaper

Good search-engine tweaking and your student newspaper could gain a whole new, captive audience.

[THE MUSE] Do you trust us?

Do people trust the media? How about the student media? A reporter from ‘The Muse’, the student newspaper for Memorial University, California, made up a fake story with the intention of seeing how many people would believe him. An interesting read!

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