Fire the boss and fight for your rights: How publishers can succeed in 2025
New York-based media consultant Matthew Scott Goldstein shares his publisher shopping list for success.
Fighting for quality news media in the digital age.
Matthew Scott Goldstein is a US-based data-driven consultant. He specialises in digital advertising from both a publisher and marketer perspective, plus all companies in-between.
New York-based media consultant Matthew Scott Goldstein shares his publisher shopping list for success.
By Matthew Scott GoldsteinMatthew Scott Goldstein outlines the ways generative AI will transform media.
By Matthew Scott GoldsteinAlphabet, Apple, Meta and Microsoft are undermining publishers and it's time to fight back.
By Matthew Scott GoldsteinMatthew Scott Goldstein's follow-up to the piece that inspired a New Yorker article.
By Matthew Scott GoldsteinGoogle's switch to generative AI-written search results could send many publishers out of business.
By Matthew Scott Goldstein