This post is within the RCNi Editorial Production team. We are looking for an experienced sub editor with A-level English as a minimum, preferably with a degree or equivalent qualification in journalism or publishing and preferably with experience subbing healthcare-related content.
The candidate will demonstrate excellent English language skills, and be proficient working in Indesign and Word. You will need to be an accurate proof reader, have an eye for detail and good design, and the ability to learn and adhere to house style. We value candidates who demonstrate resilience and positivity, can work fast under pressure, and show initiative, adaptability, collaboration and problem solving skills.
Please see the role description and person specification provided for further details of the role. To apply, please email your CV and supporting statement (using the template provided) to hr@rcni.com. For further details email hr@rcni.com or call Jumoke Oshosanya, Head of HR, on 0208 872 3105.
Closing date: Sunday December 6
Assessment and interview: Week commencing December 7
6-month full-time temporary contract starting early January
35 hours, F grade
We have a highly competitive pay structure, as well as a pension scheme, flexible working and annual leave of up to 32 days among our employee benefits.
Overall aims:
1. Sub edit RCNi content in Word for print and in our CMS for online to a high standard
2. Prepare RCNi content for the external XML and typesetting process, ensuring the content elements are in place and fit for purpose
3. Sub in InDesign all RCNi pages that are retained in-house/sub and fit using the system in place with the off-shore partner
4. Participate actively in improving the quality and efficiency of work on the subs desk
5. Liaise with authors, editors, section editors and the art desk to resolve queries and keep the workflow on track
Specific aims:
1. Sub edit in Word for print and on our CMS for online to a high standard
• Work within pre-prepared Word templates, ensuring the template is being used correctly
• Rewrite copy where necessary to improve clarity, adherence to house style, consistency, conciseness and readability
• Ensure correct spelling, punctuation and grammar are used
• Ensure journalistic and legal integrity of copy
• Write headlines, standfirsts, captions and crossheads within prescribed lengths that ‘sell’ the story to the reader
• Work within deadlines set by the editorial production manager
2. Prepare RCNi content for the external XML and typesetting process, ensuring the content elements are in place and fit for purpose
• Keep up to date with technology and current workflow practices, as directed by the editorial production manager
• Check approximate word lengths have been adhered to by editors or section editors, and return copy if they have not
• Ensure copy is formatted correctly for the XML process
• Generate keywords that will assist in disseminating the content widely
• Check all the elements necessary for the page or spread are present and labelled correctly
• Check the elements fit within the chosen template for the page, spread or section, where applicable
3. Sub in InDesign all RCNi pages that are retained in-house/sub and fit using the system offered by the typesetter
• Set up InDesign pages for the art desk to design
• Sub copy in InDesign to fit, write headlines, standfirsts, captions and crossheads
• Sub and fit content and adjust layouts on the tool provided by typesetter
4. Participate actively in improving quality and efficiency of work on the subs desk
• Engage constructively in a regular feedback process with the senior sub- editor in identifying areas of work that need improvement and make ongoing efforts to address these areas
• Follow the in house workflow system to prioritise work
• Identify problem areas in the production workflow process and take a proactive approach to generating solutions
• Liaise with production administrator and editorial production manager effectively to communicate workflow matters to improve efficiency and flexibility
• Take responsibility for inputting the senior sub-editor’s corrections accurately
• Carry out final reads on copy as directed by the senior sub-editor
5. Liaise with authors, editors, section editors and the art desk to resolve queries and keep the workflow on track
• Discuss corrections with authors that take account of their expertise but remain within the style and ethos of RCNi
• Liaise with section editors and editors about any problems identified in the copy or packages supplied and work proactively to resolve the problems
• Assess pages returned by external typesetter for design integrity and suitability; liaise with art desk or section editors to resolve problems if pages are unsuitable
• Keep up to date with flat plan changes
6. Other
• Occasionally cover activity of the senior sub-editor as and when necessary
• Undertake any other duties commensurate with the role as directed by the senior sub-editor
• RCNi strives to provide equality of opportunity and the post holder should be sensitive of this organisational objective at all times when carrying out their duties
Application details:
EMail: hr@rcni.com
Web: https://rcni.com/
Email pged@pressgazette.co.uk to point out mistakes, provide story tips or send in a letter for publication on our "Letters Page" blog