Labour’s Tom Watson given £500,000 by press reform campaigner Max Mosley
Tom Watson MP has received donations worth £500,000 from Max Mosley in less than a year. The latest official records…
ByFighting for quality news media in the digital age.
Tom Watson MP has received donations worth £500,000 from Max Mosley in less than a year. The latest official records…
ByMax Mosley has denied money to fund press regulator Impress was put together by his father and 1930s fascist leader Oswald Mosley. The…
ByThe Sun and Sunday Times highlighted Max Mosley’s youthful far-right leanings as a final flurry of leader columns made the…
ByCampaigner for tougher press regulation Max Mosley had donated £200,000 to “fierce” press critic and Labour deputy leader Tom Watson…
BySince the 2008 Max Mosley privacy judgment it has been a central tenet of UK privacy law that what a…
ByNews publishers have launched a bid to stop rival press regulator Impress getting official approval from the Press Recognition Panel…
ByAlternative press regulator Impress is set to be funded almost entirely by Max Mosley’s family charity. The regulator revealed yesterday…
ByGoogle has asked the High Court to throw out a legal action brought by former Formula One boss Max Mosley…