Debates on Trump, Brexit and Section 40 to be hosted by London Press Club
The London Press Club have announced details of their first two major events of the year, with Economist senior editor…
ByFighting for quality news media in the digital age.
The London Press Club have announced details of their first two major events of the year, with Economist senior editor…
ByRegional publishing bosses have called on readers to join the campaign against commencing a law which would force news publishers…
ByDiscounted tickets for the London Press Club Ball, an annual event to raise money for the Journalists’ Charity, are available…
ByIndependent Press Standards Organisation Chairman Sir Alan Moses poked fun at rival press regulator Impress yesterday speaking at the London…
ByFreelance Miles Goslett is shortlisted for his Kids Company expose in the London Press Club Awards. The nomination is belated…
ByThe London Press Club has launched a new campaign to boost its membership numbers after the board unanimously agreed to…