Skwawkbox among Impress members considering cutting ties with regulator over Daily Mail’s Max Mosley revelations
Skwawkbox is among a handful of publishers regulated by Impress who have said they are considering cutting ties with the…
ByFighting for quality news media in the digital age.
Skwawkbox is among a handful of publishers regulated by Impress who have said they are considering cutting ties with the…
ByPress reform campaigner Max Mosley has issued a claim against the Times, Sun, Daily Mail and Mirror newspapers to stop…
ByThis morning, a letter my lawyers sent three days ago, has been the subject of extraordinary and sensational reporting. Most…
ByMark Watts, former editor of defunct investigative news outfit Exaro, has labelled press regulator Impress “a shambles” after it ruled…
ByByline breached accuracy standards in a story about a police investigation into child sex abuse allegations against former Prime Minister…
ByDealing with the media can be a “distressing” and “daunting” experience and the public need to “exercise caution” and should…
ByOne year on from the close of a public consultation on implementing Section 40 of the Crime and Courts Act…
ByImpress has found The Canary to have breached its standards code in an article wrongly claiming BBC political editor Laura…