Press Gazette has today launched a new cross-media service aimed at providing a comprehensive, intelligent aggregation of every story we can find about journalism.
Our new news blog, The Wire will provide a highly-searchable index of journalism stories culled from a plethora of sources across the internet and other media.
The best way to get the latest news directly from The Wire is to subscribe to its RSS feed. If you want to limit the news you get to very specific companies or topics, you can also subscribe to specific feeds for any one of more than 150 subject categories.
You can find these by clicking any of the tags listed just below the byline in an entry and then clicking the orange RSS icon at the top of that page. If you need help with this, the BBC provides an excellent guide to using RSS.
The blog is being launched together with a new section in Press Gazette magazine, “The Week in Journalism”, which will reproduce excerpts from the best media news scoops, comment and news.
Online is where the action is for news, and The Wire is our attempt create a sort of mega-blog which keeps us and our readers on top of all the big stories about journalism all the time – without diverting limited editorial resources away from the print edition.
And it provides us with the material for a handy page of digested news in the magazine which should become essential reading for anyone who needs to keep up with the fast-changing world of journalism.
The news section of our website will continue to be filled with original content written by our journalists while the Wire will aggregate all the other important stories in the world of journalism – including the ones that appear elsewhere on our website.
Email to point out mistakes, provide story tips or send in a letter for publication on our "Letters Page" blog