Only three UK daily newspapers grew their circulation in the first six months of the year, according to new data from the Audit Bureau of Circulation.
The best performing title was Archant Norfolk’s Eastern Evening News, which was up 3.4 per cent on the first six months of 2010 to 19,161.
In third place was another Archant Norfolk title – the Eastern Daily Press, which saw a 0.6 per cent rise to 59,490.
Commenting on Archant’s results, Archant chief executive Adrian Jeakings said: ‘Paid-for printed products continue to have a key role to play in delivering an audience for our advertisers.
‘This really shows what can be done with the right combination of engaging, relevant stories and the use of innovative ways of getting our newspapers to readers to support the more traditional channels.’
The only other paper to report a circulation bump was DC Thomson’s Dundee Evening Telegraph, which was up 1.6 per cent to 23,631.
Eleven newspapers reported a double-digit drop in the first half of the year.
The Nottingham Post saw the biggest fall, sliding 16.9 per cent to 35,361. This was followed by the Yorkshire Evening Post (down 14.6 per cent to 36,512) and the Doncaster Star (down 14.1 per cent to 2,327).
West Midlands title the Express & Star suffered a 7.4 per cent dip to 113,174 but remains the best-selling regional daily newspaper in the UK.
Following are three lists for UK regional dailies ranked by: circulation, year on year circulation change and alphabetically.
Figures are: title; average circulation in the first six montth of 2011; percentage paid-for; percentage change year on year
Regional daily newspapers ranked by year-on-year circulation performance
- Norwich – Eastern Evening News 19,161 87.3% Paid ; 3.4%
- Dundee Evening Telegraph 23,631 99.3% Paid ; 1.6%
- Norwich – Eastern Daily Press 59,490 94.3% Paid ; 0.6%
- Ipswich – Evening Star 15,351 88.6% Paid ; -0.4%
- Guernsey Press & Star 15,165 93.3% Paid ; -0.7%
- Ipswich – East Anglian Daily Times 29,932 94.2% Paid ; -1.3%
- Daily Post (Wales) 31,802 100.0% Paid ; -1.9%
- Peterborough Evening Telegraph 15,462 100.0% Paid ; -2.1%
- Liverpool Daily Post 8,217 82.8% Paid ; -2.1%
- Burton Mail 12,198 99.5% Paid ; -3.4%
- Ulster – News Letter 23,492 98.2% Paid ; -3.5%
- Scarborough Evening News 10,957 100.0% Paid ; -3.5%
- South Shields – Shields Gazette 15,161 100.0% Paid ; -3.6%
- Dorset Echo 17,429 100.0% Paid ; -3.8%
- Teesside – Evening Gazette 40,546 100.0% Paid ; -4.0%
- Liverpool Echo 85,463 100.0% Paid ; -4.1%
- Irish News – Morning 43,647 99.9% Paid ; -4.1%
- The Sentinel 50,792 100.0% Paid ; -4.6%
- Cambridge News 20,987 91.6% Paid ; -4.6%
- Aberdeen – Press & Journal 71,044 96.8% Paid ; -4.6%
- York – The Press 25,989 100.0% Paid ; -4.7%
- Huddersfield Daily Examiner 20,540 100.0% Paid ; -4.7%
- Dundee Courier & Advertiser 61,981 99.0% Paid ; -4.7%
- Southend – Basildon – Castle Point – Echo 30,108 100.0% Paid ; -5.1%
- Leeds – Yorkshire Post 39,698 97.9% Paid ; -5.2%
- Worcester News 14,339 100.0% Paid ; -5.3%
- Paisley Daily Express 7,538 100.0% Paid ; -5.3%
- The Argus Brighton 24,949 100.0% Paid ; -5.4%
- Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph – Kettering 18,539 100.0% Paid ; -5.4%
- South Wales Argus – Evening 23,332 100.0% Paid ; -5.5%
- Jersey Evening Post 18,088 96.9% Paid ; -5.5%
- Aberdeen – Evening Express 47,849 97.6% Paid ; -5.5%
- Greenock Telegraph 14,342 100.0% Paid ; -5.6%
- Torquay – Herald Express 20,372 99.3% Paid ; -5.7%
- South Wales Evening Post 40,149 98.5% Paid ; -5.8%
- Manchester Evening News 90,973 65.8% Paid ; -5.9%
- Hartlepool Mail 14,198 100.0% Paid ; -5.9%
- Northampton Chronicle & Echo 16,414 100.0% Paid ; -6.1%
- Swindon Advertiser 18,059 100.0% Paid ; -6.2%
- Bournemouth – The Daily Echo 26,818 100.0% Paid ; -6.2%
- Wigan Evening Post 7,092 100.0% Paid ; -6.3%
- Exeter – Express & Echo 16,586 99.8% Paid ; -6.5%
- Darlington – The Northern Echo 41,181 100.0% Paid ; -6.5%
- Plymouth – The Herald 29,709 99.2% Paid ; -6.6%
- Sunderland Echo & Football Echo 32,771 100.0% Paid ; -6.9%
- Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Journal 26,280 97.1% Paid ; -6.9%
- The Citizen 19,917 99.0% Paid ; -7.0%
- Edinburgh – Evening News 39,947 98.6% Paid ; -7.2%
- Bradford – Telegraph & Argus 26,766 100.0% Paid ; -7.2%
- Gloucestershire Echo 15,895 98.8% Paid ; -7.3%
- Oxford Mail 19,062 100.0% Paid ; -7.4%
- Express & Star (West Midlands) 113,174 95.7% Paid ; -7.4%
- Cardiff – South Wales Echo – Evening 32,754 100.0% Paid ; -7.4%
- Southampton – Southern Daily Echo 31,964 100.0% Paid ; -7.5%
- Plymouth – Western Morning News 31,058 99.4% Paid ; -7.5%
- Lincolnshire Echo 17,151 99.2% Paid ; -7.6%
- Bristol Evening Post 38,344 98.3% Paid ; -7.6%
- Glasgow – Evening Times 52,400 100.0% Paid ; -7.8%
- Derby Telegraph 32,356 99.2% Paid ; -7.8%
- Coventry Telegraph 34,359 94.3% Paid ; -7.9%
- Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Evening Chronicle 52,486 100.0% Paid ; -8.1%
- Birmingham Mail 47,217 95.8% Paid ; -8.1%
- Hull Daily Mail 43,523 99.7% Paid ; -8.2%
- Portsmouth – News & Sports Mail 41,442 99.8% Paid ; -8.3%
- Halifax Courier 15,759 100.0% Paid ; -8.3%
- Barrow – North West Evening Mail 14,132 100.0% Paid ; -8.4%
- Lancashire Telegraph – Blackburn 23,260 100.0% Paid ; -8.5%
- Leicester Mercury 51,150 99.1% Paid ; -8.6%
- Shropshire Star 55,606 100.0% Paid ; -8.7%
- Wales – The Western Mail – Morning 26,931 100.0% Paid ; -8.9%
- The Gazette – Blackpool 22,074 100.0% Paid ; -8.9%
- Sheffield Star & Green ‘Un 37,255 100.0% Paid ; -8.9%
- Scunthorpe Telegraph 15,678 99.2% Paid ; -9.1%
- The Bolton News 21,940 100.0% Paid ; -9.2%
- Grimsby Telegraph 25,974 99.5% Paid ; -9.7%
- Oldham Evening Chronicle 14,451 99.9% Paid ; -9.9%
- Carlisle – News and Star West 4,938 100.0% Paid ; -10.1%
- Carlisle – News and Star East 12,290 100.0% Paid ; -10.5%
- Colchester – Evening Gazette 16,165 100.0% Paid ; -10.6%
- Bristol – Western Daily Press 28,322 100.0% Paid ; -11.0%
- Belfast Telegraph 59,319 79.4% Paid ; -11.9%
- The Leader (Wrexham, Flintshire & Chester) 16,131 100.0% Paid ; -12.5%
- Lancashire Evening Post 23,183 100.0% Paid ; -12.5%
- Doncaster Star 2,327 100.0% Paid ; -14.1%
- Leeds – Yorkshire Evening Post 36,512 100.0% Paid ; -14.6%
- Nottingham Post 35,361 100.0% Paid ; -16.9%
Regional daily newspapers ranked by total circulation
- Express & Star (West Midlands) 113,174 95.7% Paid ; -7.4%
- Manchester Evening News 90,973 65.8% Paid ; -5.9%
- Liverpool Echo 85,463 100.0% Paid ; -4.1%
- Aberdeen – Press & Journal 71,044 96.8% Paid ; -4.6%
- Dundee Courier & Advertiser 61,981 99.0% Paid ; -4.7%
- Norwich – Eastern Daily Press 59,490 94.3% Paid ; 0.6%
- Belfast Telegraph 59,319 79.4% Paid ; -11.9%
- Shropshire Star 55,606 100.0% Paid ; -8.7%
- Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Evening Chronicle 52,486 100.0% Paid ; -8.1%
- Glasgow – Evening Times 52,400 100.0% Paid ; -7.8%
- Leicester Mercury 51,150 99.1% Paid ; -8.6%
- The Sentinel 50,792 100.0% Paid ; -4.6%
- Aberdeen – Evening Express 47,849 97.6% Paid ; -5.5%
- Birmingham Mail 47,217 95.8% Paid ; -8.1%
- Irish News – Morning 43,647 99.9% Paid ; -4.1%
- Hull Daily Mail 43,523 99.7% Paid ; -8.2%
- Portsmouth – News & Sports Mail 41,442 99.8% Paid ; -8.3%
- Darlington – The Northern Echo 41,181 100.0% Paid ; -6.5%
- Teesside – Evening Gazette 40,546 100.0% Paid ; -4.0%
- South Wales Evening Post 40,149 98.5% Paid ; -5.8%
- Edinburgh – Evening News 39,947 98.6% Paid ; -7.2%
- Leeds – Yorkshire Post 39,698 97.9% Paid ; -5.2%
- Bristol Evening Post 38,344 98.3% Paid ; -7.6%
- Sheffield Star & Green ‘Un 37,255 100.0% Paid ; -8.9%
- Leeds – Yorkshire Evening Post 36,512 100.0% Paid ; -14.6%
- Nottingham Post 35,361 100.0% Paid ; -16.9%
- Coventry Telegraph 34,359 94.3% Paid ; -7.9%
- Sunderland Echo & Football Echo 32,771 100.0% Paid ; -6.9%
- Cardiff – South Wales Echo – Evening 32,754 100.0% Paid ; -7.4%
- Derby Telegraph 32,356 99.2% Paid ; -7.8%
- Southampton – Southern Daily Echo 31,964 100.0% Paid ; -7.5%
- Daily Post (Wales) 31,802 100.0% Paid ; -1.9%
- Plymouth – Western Morning News 31,058 99.4% Paid ; -7.5%
- Southend – Basildon – Castle Point – Echo 30,108 100.0% Paid ; -5.1%
- Ipswich – East Anglian Daily Times 29,932 94.2% Paid ; -1.3%
- Plymouth – The Herald 29,709 99.2% Paid ; -6.6%
- Bristol – Western Daily Press 28,322 100.0% Paid ; -11.0%
- Wales – The Western Mail – Morning 26,931 100.0% Paid ; -8.9%
- Bournemouth – The Daily Echo 26,818 100.0% Paid ; -6.2%
- Bradford – Telegraph & Argus 26,766 100.0% Paid ; -7.2%
- Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Journal 26,280 97.1% Paid ; -6.9%
- York – The Press 25,989 100.0% Paid ; -4.7%
- Grimsby Telegraph 25,974 99.5% Paid ; -9.7%
- The Argus Brighton 24,949 100.0% Paid ; -5.4%
- Dundee Evening Telegraph 23,631 99.3% Paid ; 1.6%
- Ulster – News Letter 23,492 98.2% Paid ; -3.5%
- South Wales Argus – Evening 23,332 100.0% Paid ; -5.5%
- Lancashire Telegraph – Blackburn 23,260 100.0% Paid ; -8.5%
- Lancashire Evening Post 23,183 100.0% Paid ; -12.5%
- The Gazette – Blackpool 22,074 100.0% Paid ; -8.9%
- The Bolton News 21,940 100.0% Paid ; -9.2%
- Cambridge News 20,987 91.6% Paid ; -4.6%
- Huddersfield Daily Examiner 20,540 100.0% Paid ; -4.7%
- Torquay – Herald Express 20,372 99.3% Paid ; -5.7%
- The Citizen 19,917 99.0% Paid ; -7.0%
- Norwich – Eastern Evening News 19,161 87.3% Paid ; 3.4%
- Oxford Mail 19,062 100.0% Paid ; -7.4%
- Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph – Kettering 18,539 100.0% Paid ; -5.4%
- Jersey Evening Post 18,088 96.9% Paid ; -5.5%
- Swindon Advertiser 18,059 100.0% Paid ; -6.2%
- Dorset Echo 17,429 100.0% Paid ; -3.8%
- Lincolnshire Echo 17,151 99.2% Paid ; -7.6%
- Exeter – Express & Echo 16,586 99.8% Paid ; -6.5%
- Northampton Chronicle & Echo 16,414 100.0% Paid ; -6.1%
- Colchester – Evening Gazette 16,165 100.0% Paid ; -10.6%
- The Leader (Wrexham, Flintshire & Chester) 16,131 100.0% Paid ; -12.5%
- Gloucestershire Echo 15,895 98.8% Paid ; -7.3%
- Halifax Courier 15,759 100.0% Paid ; -8.3%
- Scunthorpe Telegraph 15,678 99.2% Paid ; -9.1%
- Peterborough Evening Telegraph 15,462 100.0% Paid ; -2.1%
- Ipswich – Evening Star 15,351 88.6% Paid ; -0.4%
- Guernsey Press & Star 15,165 93.3% Paid ; -0.7%
- South Shields – Shields Gazette 15,161 100.0% Paid ; -3.6%
- Oldham Evening Chronicle 14,451 99.9% Paid ; -9.9%
- Greenock Telegraph 14,342 100.0% Paid ; -5.6%
- Worcester News 14,339 100.0% Paid ; -5.3%
- Hartlepool Mail 14,198 100.0% Paid ; -5.9%
- Barrow – North West Evening Mail 14,132 100.0% Paid ; -8.4%
- Carlisle – News and Star East 12,290 100.0% Paid ; -10.5%
- Burton Mail 12,198 99.5% Paid ; -3.4%
- Scarborough Evening News 10,957 100.0% Paid ; -3.5%
- Liverpool Daily Post 8,217 82.8% Paid ; -2.1%
- Paisley Daily Express 7,538 100.0% Paid ; -5.3%
- Wigan Evening Post 7,092 100.0% Paid ; -6.3%
- Carlisle – News and Star West 4,938 100.0% Paid ; -10.1%
- Doncaster Star 2,327 100.0% Paid ; -14.1%
Regional daily newspaper titles listed alphabetically
- Aberdeen – Evening Express 47,849 97.6% Paid ; -5.5%
- Aberdeen – Press & Journal 71,044 96.8% Paid ; -4.6%
- Barrow – North West Evening Mail 14,132 100.0% Paid ; -8.4%
- Belfast Telegraph 59,319 79.4% Paid ; -11.9%
- Birmingham Mail 47,217 95.8% Paid ; -8.1%
- Bournemouth – The Daily Echo 26,818 100.0% Paid ; -6.2%
- Bradford – Telegraph & Argus 26,766 100.0% Paid ; -7.2%
- Bristol – Western Daily Press 28,322 100.0% Paid ; -11.0%
- Bristol Evening Post 38,344 98.3% Paid ; -7.6%
- Burton Mail 12,198 99.5% Paid ; -3.4%
- Cambridge News 20,987 91.6% Paid ; -4.6%
- Cardiff – South Wales Echo – Evening 32,754 100.0% Paid ; -7.4%
- Carlisle – News and Star East 12,290 100.0% Paid ; -10.5%
- Carlisle – News and Star West 4,938 100.0% Paid ; -10.1%
- Colchester – Evening Gazette 16,165 100.0% Paid ; -10.6%
- Coventry Telegraph 34,359 94.3% Paid ; -7.9%
- Daily Post (Wales) 31,802 100.0% Paid ; -1.9%
- Darlington – The Northern Echo 41,181 100.0% Paid ; -6.5%
- Derby Telegraph 32,356 99.2% Paid ; -7.8%
- Doncaster Star 2,327 100.0% Paid ; -14.1%
- Dorset Echo 17,429 100.0% Paid ; -3.8%
- Dundee Courier & Advertiser 61,981 99.0% Paid ; -4.7%
- Dundee Evening Telegraph 23,631 99.3% Paid ; 1.6%
- Edinburgh – Evening News 39,947 98.6% Paid ; -7.2%
- Exeter – Express & Echo 16,586 99.8% Paid ; -6.5%
- Express & Star (West Midlands) 113,174 95.7% Paid ; -7.4%
- Glasgow – Evening Times 52,400 100.0% Paid ; -7.8%
- Gloucestershire Echo 15,895 98.8% Paid ; -7.3%
- Greenock Telegraph 14,342 100.0% Paid ; -5.6%
- Grimsby Telegraph 25,974 99.5% Paid ; -9.7%
- Guernsey Press & Star 15,165 93.3% Paid ; -0.7%
- Halifax Courier 15,759 100.0% Paid ; -8.3%
- Hartlepool Mail 14,198 100.0% Paid ; -5.9%
- Huddersfield Daily Examiner 20,540 100.0% Paid ; -4.7%
- Hull Daily Mail 43,523 99.7% Paid ; -8.2%
- Ipswich – East Anglian Daily Times 29,932 94.2% Paid ; -1.3%
- Ipswich – Evening Star 15,351 88.6% Paid ; -0.4%
- Irish News – Morning 43,647 99.9% Paid ; -4.1%
- Jersey Evening Post 18,088 96.9% Paid ; -5.5%
- Lancashire Evening Post 23,183 100.0% Paid ; -12.5%
- Lancashire Telegraph – Blackburn 23,260 100.0% Paid ; -8.5%
- Leeds – Yorkshire Evening Post 36,512 100.0% Paid ; -14.6%
- Leeds – Yorkshire Post 39,698 97.9% Paid ; -5.2%
- Leicester Mercury 51,150 99.1% Paid ; -8.6%
- Lincolnshire Echo 17,151 99.2% Paid ; -7.6%
- Liverpool Daily Post 8,217 82.8% Paid ; -2.1%
- Liverpool Echo 85,463 100.0% Paid ; -4.1%
- Manchester Evening News 90,973 65.8% Paid ; -5.9%
- Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Evening Chronicle 52,486 100.0% Paid ; -8.1%
- Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Journal 26,280 97.1% Paid ; -6.9%
- Northampton Chronicle & Echo 16,414 100.0% Paid ; -6.1%
- Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph – Kettering 18,539 100.0% Paid ; -5.4%
- Norwich – Eastern Daily Press 59,490 94.3% Paid ; 0.6%
- Norwich – Eastern Evening News 19,161 87.3% Paid ; 3.4%
- Nottingham Post 35,361 100.0% Paid ; -16.9%
- Oldham Evening Chronicle 14,451 99.9% Paid ; -9.9%
- Oxford Mail 19,062 100.0% Paid ; -7.4%
- Paisley Daily Express 7,538 100.0% Paid ; -5.3%
- Peterborough Evening Telegraph 15,462 100.0% Paid ; -2.1%
- Plymouth – The Herald 29,709 99.2% Paid ; -6.6%
- Plymouth – Western Morning News 31,058 99.4% Paid ; -7.5%
- Portsmouth – News & Sports Mail 41,442 99.8% Paid ; -8.3%
- Scarborough Evening News 10,957 100.0% Paid ; -3.5%
- Scunthorpe Telegraph 15,678 99.2% Paid ; -9.1%
- Sheffield Star & Green ‘Un 37,255 100.0% Paid ; -8.9%
- Shropshire Star 55,606 100.0% Paid ; -8.7%
- South Shields – Shields Gazette 15,161 100.0% Paid ; -3.6%
- South Wales Argus – Evening 23,332 100.0% Paid ; -5.5%
- South Wales Evening Post 40,149 98.5% Paid ; -5.8%
- Southampton – Southern Daily Echo 31,964 100.0% Paid ; -7.5%
- Southend – Basildon – Castle Point – Echo 30,108 100.0% Paid ; -5.1%
- Sunderland Echo & Football Echo 32,771 100.0% Paid ; -6.9%
- Swindon Advertiser 18,059 100.0% Paid ; -6.2%
- Teesside – Evening Gazette 40,546 100.0% Paid ; -4.0%
- The Argus Brighton 24,949 100.0% Paid ; -5.4%
- The Bolton News 21,940 100.0% Paid ; -9.2%
- The Citizen 19,917 99.0% Paid ; -7.0%
- The Gazette – Blackpool 22,074 100.0% Paid ; -8.9%
- The Leader (Wrexham, Flintshire & Chester) 16,131 100.0% Paid ; -12.5%
- The Sentinel 50,792 100.0% Paid ; -4.6%
- Torquay – Herald Express 20,372 99.3% Paid ; -5.7%
- Ulster – News Letter 23,492 98.2% Paid ; -3.5%
- Wales – The Western Mail – Morning 26,931 100.0% Paid ; -8.9%
- Wigan Evening Post 7,092 100.0% Paid ; -6.3%
- Worcester News 14,339 100.0% Paid ; -5.3%
- York – The Press 25,989 100.0% Paid ; -4.7%
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