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In association with Qonqord
  1. Tech Platforms
June 11, 2024updated 12 Jun 2024 10:57am

Qonqord joins forces with Evolved Media to serve UK publishing market

By Dominic Ponsford

Innovative content management and publishing technology company Qonqord is expanding into the UK after acquiring Evolved Media.

With the recent acquisition of Evolved Media in the UK, Qonqord has established a strong local base of consultants and software engineers, further enhancing its ability to serve the UK market.

Qonqord CCO Jeroen Goemans said: “This strategic move allows us to bring our wealth of experience gained from working with some of the largest European publishers and brands directly to the UK.

“By joining forces, we can better support our clients in saving time, money, and resources while enhancing the quality and speed of their content processes.”

Qonqord combines highly experienced process consultants with an agnostic, modular, cloud-based software platform for multichannel content creation, set to make a significant impact on UK publishers.

With years of expertise in optimising workflows and automating processes, Qonqord helps media companies save time, money, and resources.

Managing director of Qonqord UK Russell Pierpoint said: “Our platform’s flexibility and adaptability ensure that it meets the unique needs of each client, enabling seamless integration and efficient content production across multiple channels.”

Base modules of Qonqord software platform are DAM, CMS, Workflow, Content Distribution Hub, and InDesign automation.

Pierpoint said: “We believe that UK publishers will greatly benefit from our innovative approach to content creation and management. Our solutions are designed to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and enhance the overall quality of content, giving publishers the competitive edge they need in today’s fast-paced media landscape. AI integration helps to automate all kinds of repeating activities like creating headlines, making summaries and translations, and of course, all kinds of image services too.

“To mark our entry into the UK market, we are eager to connect with UK publishers and share our extensive experience. We look forward to discussing the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in multichannel content creation. Our goal is to demonstrate how Qonqord can help transform content operations, making them more efficient and cost-effective. Stay tuned for more details about our initiatives and events in the UK.”

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Existing Qonqord clients include food publishing brand Delicious.

Delicious works qith Qonqord

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