Telegraph in IPSO breach with article claiming cyclists were doing 52mph and ‘putting lives at risk’
Almost 100 people complained to IPSO over the May 2024 article.
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Almost 100 people complained to IPSO over the May 2024 article.
ByNewspaper admitted publishing the letter was a "grave error".
ByFarage is also in disputes with the BBC and the Mail on Sunday.
ByHancock complained the 'Lockdown Files' gave an incomplete picture and he was not approached for comment.
BySian Doyle told publication of her medical information was in the public interest.
ByCritics say regulator has strayed into making its own editorial judgments.
ByEditor could also secure payout from publisher over unfair dismissal claim.
ByIPSO said the article could create a misleading impression about Open Democracy's editorial independence.