Green Party manifesto includes pledge to scrap RIPA and threat of Leveson legislation
The Green Party’s 2015 general election manifesto has called for the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act to be scrapped, citing…
ByFighting for quality news media in the digital age.
The Green Party’s 2015 general election manifesto has called for the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act to be scrapped, citing…
ByThe Liberal Democrats are to set out plans for a legal right to protect journalists from state interference and end…
ByGuardian editor Alan Rusbridger has called on the UK’s “fractured press” to defend its “sacred oath” to protect sources. And…
ByThe former media lead for the Association of Chief Police Officers said last night that there will be no return…
ByPolice officers are now banned from secretly obtaining the call records of journalists without getting outside approval from a judge.…
ByThe Government has been widely criticised for introducing new rules banning civil servants from speaking to the media without permission…
ByJournalists, surveillance and the police: How can the secret state learn to live with the fourth estate? Monday, 30 March,…
ByA new law to curb police spying on journalists' phone records looks set to come into force next week. The…