New traffic figures show web growth for NME, Nuts and Loaded and more than doubled their online traffic in the year to June, new ABCe figures are expected to…
ByFighting for quality news media in the digital age. and more than doubled their online traffic in the year to June, new ABCe figures are expected to…
ByReed Elsevier is offering a $330m high-interest loan to help potential bidders find the cash for its up-for-sale B2B publishing…
ByThe PPA has warned magazine publishers of a website which makes scanned copies of magazines available online. The PPA has…
ByAndy Capper, editor of controversial free monthly magazine, Vice, told The Independent that his magazine is a vehicle for news…
ByB2B media group Wilmington has confirmed it has received an approach from a private equity firm. The Sunday Telegraph reported…
ByGerman tech publisher Heise has boosted its presence in the UK, hiring DJ Walker-Morgan as UK open source editor. Walker-Morgan…
ByMagazines with covers that flash an electric signal to attract buyers will soon be appearing on American news-stands. The first…
ByThe Big Issue is to launch in India by the end of this year, reports. Ten journalists will oversee…