The Grey Cardigan 24.02.06
AS THE redundancies at the Evening Beast kick in, the newsroom begins to resemble an airport departure lounge. It’s got…
ByFighting for quality news media in the digital age.
AS THE redundancies at the Evening Beast kick in, the newsroom begins to resemble an airport departure lounge. It’s got…
ByI DON’T suppose that at any point in his young life, Bob Woodward turned to his mother and said: "You…
ByTHE BASTARDS. They’ve turned down my application for voluntary redundancy and denied me one last big cheque. The reason is…
ByIT IS not only at the Evening Beast that jobs are going. Our broadcast colleagues at the local BBC are…
ByONE OF the most valuable lessons I was ever taught was to always look after the secretaries. You see, editors…
ByAS ROME burns the Boy Wonder, our 11-year-old editor, reaches for his fiddle. Embattled by falling circulation, imminent redundancies and…
BySO ANOTHER year passes and the distance between the bright young things at the far end of the desk and…
ByTHERE ARE no real deadlines on regional evening newspapers any more. The subs on the night shift wrap things up…