The Grey Cardigan 16.06.06
IT'S HALF past eight in the Evening Beast newsroom and Blakey, the lugubrious deputy news editor, wearily puts down his…
ByFighting for quality news media in the digital age.
IT'S HALF past eight in the Evening Beast newsroom and Blakey, the lugubrious deputy news editor, wearily puts down his…
ByI WAS in the room, albeit slumped drunkenly over a table, when Anila Baig won the 2004 Press Gazette award…
ByIF RULE One of newsroom life is always make friends with the secretaries, Rule Two is never, ever, fall out…
ByBACK IN the day, some 20 years ago, we didn't have the all-singing, all-dancing full-colour newspapers we enjoy today. We…
ByAS AN industry, we agonise for hours, weeks and days over our key columnists. Are they right for the market?…
ByA FORMER colleague of mine, who rose to the heights before crashing and burning, had very firm views on newspaper…
ByDID I tell you I'd been ill? I lost the entire weekend, drifted through Monday and Tuesday in a haze…
ByCONFINED TO barracks with a particularly debilitating bout of "man flu", I am trapped in the "entertainment" hell that is…