Michael Gove to replace Fraser Nelson as Spectator editor under new ownership
Fraser Nelson will become an associate editor after 15 years at the helm.
ByFighting for quality news media in the digital age.
Fraser Nelson will become an associate editor after 15 years at the helm.
ByGB News investor acquires Spectator for £100m.
ByFraser Nelson also hails Spectator subscription growth and questions BBC dominance.
ByThe NUJ and Women in Journalism, however, said they welcomed the decision.
ByFraser Nelson has argued the power of editors over writers is “comically overstated” in a column marking his 500th issue…
ByThe editor of the Spectator has questioned Newsnight's shortlisting for scoop of the year in the RTS journalism awards for…
ByPrime Minister David Cameron has warned newspaper publishers that a future government might force through statutory regulation of the press.…
ByThe Spectator has come under fire for publishing an article appearing to support the Greek far-right party Golden Dawn. A…