Prospect CEO has ‘fixed the plumbing’ and is now looking for growth
Interview with Prospect CEO Mark Beard and editor in chief Alan Rusbridger.
Fighting for quality news media in the digital age.
Interview with Prospect CEO Mark Beard and editor in chief Alan Rusbridger.
By1440 bets on paying to acquire readers and then selling ads against them.
ByHouse of Lords also hears that Spiked has been put on advertising blacklist.
ByFT follows in footsteps of Axel Springer, Associated Press and Le Monde.
ByBauer's global head of SEO on why the arrival of Google's SGE might not be all bad for publishers.
ByThe Lever's "bread and butter" reporting is "how corporate power is making everything worse for the rest of us".
ByGuardian cookies banner now allows people to say "No, thank you" on their first click.
ByUnherd's CEO says the Global Disinformation Index should lose government funding.